AFter care for your tattoo

After care instructions for second skin is further down on this page.

Cling film aftercare:

Immediate Aftercare (First Day)

  1. Leave the Bandage On: After getting your tattoo, your artist will apply a bandage or wrap. Leave it on for 2-4 hours to protect the tattoo from bacteria.

  2. Remove the Bandage: Wash your hands thoroughly before removing the bandage. Carefully peel it off and discard it.

  3. Clean the Tattoo:

    • Use Lukewarm Water and Mild Soap: Gently wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap.
    • Do Not Scrub: Use your hand to lightly remove any ointment, blood, and plasma.
    • Pat Dry: Use a clean paper towel to pat the area dry. Avoid rubbing with a towel, which can irritate the skin.
  4. Apply a Thin Layer of Ointment: Use a tattoo-specific ointment or a fragrance-free moisturizer recommended by your tattoo artist. Apply a thin layer to keep the area moist but not suffocated.

Days 2-14: The Healing Phase

  1. Clean Regularly: Wash the tattoo gently with mild soap and lukewarm water 2-3 times a day. Pat dry with a clean paper towel.

  2. Moisturize:

    • Apply a Thin Layer of Ointment: Use a tattoo-specific lotion or a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Avoid over-applying.
    • Reapply as Needed: Moisturize whenever the tattoo feels dry, but do not overdo it.
  3. Avoid Soaking: Keep your tattoo out of water (no swimming, baths, or hot tubs). Quick showers are fine, but avoid soaking the tattoo.

  4. Avoid Picking and Scratching: As the tattoo heals, it may scab or peel. Do not pick or scratch at the scabs, as this can cause scarring and ink loss.

  5. Wear Loose Clothing: Avoid tight clothing that can rub against the tattoo and cause irritation.

  6. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight to prevent fading and damage. Once healed, always use sunscreen to protect the tattoo.

Long-Term Care

  1. Keep it Clean and Moisturized: Continue washing and moisturizing the tattoo regularly to keep it looking vibrant.

  2. Use Sunscreen: Apply a high-SPF sunscreen on the tattoo when exposed to sunlight, even after it’s fully healed, to prevent fading.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin healthy, which helps in maintaining the appearance of the tattoo.

  4. Avoid Abrasive Treatments: Refrain from using exfoliants or harsh skincare products on the tattooed area.

Things to Avoid

  • Scratching or Picking: This can lead to infection and scarring.
  • Soaking in Water: No baths, pools, or hot tubs until fully healed. (Two weeks at least)
  • Heavy Exercise: Avoid activities that cause excessive sweating or irritation to the tattooed area during initial healing. (Two weeks at least)
  • Direct Sun Exposure: Protect your tattoo from the sun, as UV rays can cause fading.

Signs of Infection

  • Redness or Swelling: If persistent or worsening.
  • Fever: Indicates potential systemic infection.
  • Pus or Foul Odor: From the tattoo site.
  • Intense Pain: Beyond the usual tenderness.

Consult a healthcare provider if you notice any signs of infection or if you have concerns about your tattoo’s healing process.


Tattoo aftercare is crucial for proper healing and maintaining the quality of your new ink. Always follow your tattoo artist’s specific recommendations, as they may have additional or different advice based on their experience and your tattoo’s location and size.

Remember, proper aftercare helps prevent infections and ensures that your tattoo heals beautifully. Enjoy your new tattoo!


After care for second skin

This bandage acts as a protective barrier to keep out dirt and bacteria while allowing your skin to breathe.

Care Instructions:

  • Leave It Alone: Keep the initial bandage on for the first 72 hours. Avoid removing or adjusting it.
  • Monitor for Leaks: If the bandage leaks fluids (plasma, ink, etc.), gently wipe around the bandage but do not attempt to lift or remove it.

Removing the Bandage:


  • After 72 Hours: You can remove the Second Skin bandage after 72 hours. It’s normal for the bandage to fill with fluid; this is part of the healing process.


  1. Wash Your Hands: Clean your hands thoroughly to avoid contaminating the tattoo.
  2. Remove Gently: Carefully peel off the bandage. Peel it back over itself rather than pulling straight up to minimize pain and damage to the skin. You may do this under running lukewarm water to minimise discomfort.

Cleaning the Tattoo:

First Cleaning:

  • Wash the Tattoo: Gently wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap. Do not scrub; just gently use your fingers to clean the area.
  • Pat Dry: Use a clean paper towel to pat the tattoo dry. Avoid using cloth towels as they can carrie bacteria.

Aftercare Routine:

Keep It Clean and Moisturized:

  • Moisturize: Once the tattoo is dry, apply a thin layer of a fragrance-free, alcohol-free moisturizer. Products like Aquaphor, Eucerin, or specialized tattoo balms are ideal.
  • Frequency: Moisturize 2-3 times daily or whenever the tattoo feels dry or tight. Continue this routine for at least two weeks or until the tattoo has fully healed.


  • Sun Exposure: Keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds for at least 2-3 weeks. UV rays can fade the tattoo and delay healing.
  • Scratching and Picking: Do not scratch, pick, or peel at any scabs or flaky skin. Let it heal naturally.
  • Soaking in Water: Avoid swimming, hot tubs, or soaking in baths for at least 2-3 weeks. Showering is fine, but avoid high-pressure water on the tattoo.

Monitoring the Healing Process:

What’s Normal:

  • Peeling and Itching: It’s normal for your tattoo to peel and itch as it heals. This usually starts a few days after the bandage is removed.
  • Cloudy Appearance: Your tattoo may appear cloudy or milky for a few days; this is part of the skin’s healing process.

Signs of Issues:

  • Infection: Look out for signs of infection like excessive redness, swelling, heat, or pus. Contact a healthcare professional if you notice these symptoms.
  • Allergic Reactions: If you develop a rash, severe itching, or other signs of an allergic reaction, discontinue any products you are using and consult a doctor.

Long-Term Care:

Keep It Protected:

  • Sunscreen: After the tattoo has healed, always apply sunscreen when exposing the tattoo to sunlight to preserve the colors and detail.
  • Hydration: Keep the tattoo moisturized regularly to maintain vibrant skin and prevent fading.

Wear Comfortable Clothing:

  • Loose Fit: Wear loose-fitting clothes that won’t rub against your tattoo during the healing period. This helps to avoid irritation and potential damage.

Conclusion: Proper care of your tattoo with Second Skin involves minimal intervention but diligent aftercare once the bandage is removed. Following these steps ensures that your tattoo heals well, maintaining its detail and vibrancy. Always consult your tattoo artist if you have specific concerns or questions about your aftercare routine.